Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Montag is made up of Antoine Bedard, a Canadian man originally from Montreal, now in Vancouver.

I first heard his song Perfect Vision on a commercial for South of Nowhere on the cable channel The N. This song is definitely my cup of tea. It has a pop feel. No not pop, like N*sync or anything. You know what I mean?

Anyway. You should check him out on Myspace and his website.


His music is played by Nike on the Joga Bonito website, and the Brazilian football movie/documentary Jinga. His music is full of funk, oh and it's in Portuguese. His songs use a variety of diverse instruments that do not follow the MTV, Clear Channel formula. Despite not understanding what he's saying (if you don't speak Portuguese that is), you can definitely form a connection with the music.

You can find him on his Myspace. Add him and support him.posted by concrete-and-water at 7:35 PM 0 comments

Untitled 05

This post is special, it's for a SONG. Not a band even though the band is my favorite. I know I'm late, but Brand New's demos have been leaked on to the internet. Though they're all amazing. I feel that I should write about one song in particular. The song entitled Untitled 05, is one of the best. It was once thought to be called Cleanser, but it has been confirmed that it is not called Cleanser and Cleanser is reportedly a name of another demo that was not leaked. It is said that none of these will be making the new album, and Untitled 05 is no exception. It's a shame.
It starts out with a guitar and Jesse Lacey. It sounds like a sex-driven song. Though that's not what it's about. Well I interpret these lyrics as someone being taken hostage (not really, but in the sense that they make the other person secluded from the people who really love and care about them.)by a lover who abuses them not physically but verbally and possibly sexually. That's what I've concluded from the lyrics. Listen to them.

This is why I've fallen in love with Brand New. Great lyrics paired with equally great music and a man with a voice from the alternative music gods. Check out Brand New at their website. I don't know where you can get them on the internet and they're not for sale, but you can get them at any peer to peer program, or if you know anyone that has them they can send them to you. I'm sure if you Google hard enough then something will come up in a forum or something, but other than that I don't know how you can obtain them.

Making a Promise

These guys are my personal friends (Well the singer is). They live in Japan and have a pop punk feel. I think they'll grow on you. The music is emotionally-charged, and dashed with teenage angst (in a good way).

The first track is a favorite of mine, it's called A Motion Picture Tragedy. It starts out with rumbling waves, then the rest of the song backed with ear-catching piano reminiscent of the music on the soundtrack to Amelie. Then Jerico (Jerko) starts singing and the song unfolds beautifully and ends with a change of radio frequency.

Number Three is Going to Leave a Stain is next on the roster. If you're a fan of acoustic then Jerko is your man. He pulls it off again with soundbytes in the beginning and really solid acoustic guitar lines. His voice is powerful and flows perfectly with the music at the same time.

Thirdly, is a song called Class of OPM. It starts out with a sound byte again. Next a catchy deep acoustic guitar that progresses into a poppy acoustic guitar line. His voice is powerful, yet again and his lyrics deep. For example, "You're so addicting, and I wish that I can quit you" It's reminiscent of the days when this kind of music was considered emo, and it was cool to say that you liked bands like Allister and New Found Glory.

Last, Sahara Minus the Laughter. It differs from it's demo, because it begins with piano instead of guitar. It's not long before a catchy acoustic guitar comes in and Jerico's signature voice comes in. Lyrics like, "I could be your best, and I could be your worst" though sappy, make you want to sing along.

Making a Promise can be found at their Myspace and at their Website


BARK BARK BARK is made up of Jacob Safari and Cranberry Grace (I don't think those are real names, if they are then those are sweet names.) They hail from Phoenix, Arizona.
Their Myspace Standalone player starts off with the track Womb Raider which is full of electronic noises and "Safari's" handsome vocals and Cranberry Grace's sweet voice. It's a great mix. It really makes you want to dance.

The next song is a cover of my FAVORITE Velvet Underground song, After Hours. Cranberry Grace sings along to a poppy guitar, synth noises, assorted electronic beeps and whirs, etc. If you like the original it's worth a listen.

Next a song called IM NEEDY comes up. It's reminiscent of Mindless Self Indulgence with a hip hop twist. It's a good song to bob your head to. Well most of the songs they sample make me want to do that anyway.

NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK, is unique and very synthy. It makes me feel like breaking out in Grease Lightning for some reason then breaking down and doing the robot. The duo both grace the song with their vocals. It's pretty neat.

All together, they have a really great sound. This is a band you can shake yo ass too. You can check BARK BARK BARK out on Myspace and on their website.


Hello friends. Welcome to Concrete and Water. I'm Erica, I've been known to have extremely good taste in music. I'm not bragging because people literally tell me that on a daily basis. So if you're not musically-inclined, or bored you should check out the artists I review.
I will review and maybe even interview bands I found on Myspace.com, or sometimes bands I know and love. Hopefully it's good and this runs for a long time. Also, if you want to help out with the writing. You can message me on Myspace. I'll screen you, if you're what I'm looking for then I'll welcome you aboard.